How to get started with kafka Streams
In this article we will see how to use kafka streams to do some real time data processing on data...

How to easily install kafka without zookeeper
In this article we will see how kafka can be setup without using zookeeper. We will setup a 3 node...

What is the use of Synchronized keyword in Java
This article will focus on what the synchronized keyword does in Java and when to use it. In order to...

How to Handle NullPointerException in Java
If you have spent some time developing programs in Java, at some point you have definitely seen the following exception:...

Priority Queues in Java Explained with Examples
Priority Queues are used very often in real life applications. In this article we will learn what priority queues are...

What are Callbacks in Javascript and how to use them
Callbacks are a very important topic to understand in javascript. In this article, We will be seeing what Callbacks are...

How to Effectively use GRPC Streams in NodeJS
This article will explain how to Use Streams in GRPC in a NodeJS Application. To know the Basics of GRPC...

How to Easily use GRPC and Protocol Buffers with NodeJS
This Article will give a basic introduction to GRPC and Protocol Buffers. Following that I will be showing how to...

How to get started with Gradle
Gradle is used very often in the industry and I felt it will be good to cover the basics of...

How to use Java Executor framework for Multithreading
In my Previous Blog I covered the basics of Multithreading in Java. Click here to read that blog. The previous...

How to get started with Multithreading in Java
What is a Thread A Thread is a lightweight Process. Any Process can have multiple Threads running in it. For...

What is a Mutation in GraphQL and how to use it
This Blog post is a continuation to my previous blog post on GraphQL Basics. Click Here to checkout the GraphQL...

What is GraphQL and how to use it
What is GraphQL? It is basically a query language for API’s GraphQL shows what are the different types of data...

How to easily build Desktop Apps with HTML, CSS and Javascript
Can HTML, CSS and Javascript really be used to build Desktop Applications? The Answer is Yes 😄 In this Article...

How to Easily use cURL for HTTP Requests
Every developer needs to know a bunch of tools to be effective. cURL in one such tool 😄 In this...

How to get started with Maven
Maven is used very often in the industry and I felt it will be good to cover the basics of...

How to use NodeJS without frameworks and external libraries
NodeJS is most commonly used with Express framework. Also a bunch of other external libraries are used with NodeJS. The...

How to create simple rest apis with springboot
As a part of this article you will be building 2 simple REST apis Using Springboot. This article will give...

How you can go wrong with git
I am not able to commit to the remote repository, let me do a force push. Let me Run Rebase...

How did that weird bug come in the code
Ever Spent an entire week to find out where the bug is? Ever Wondered how this bug was never caught...

How to become a Git expert
I made a mistake in my commit, how do I fix it ? My commit history is a mess, how...

A quick introduction to Vue.js
Are you interested in Front End Development? If so, then this post is for you! To get started with Vue.js,...

How to use git efficiently
The code was working yesterday but today it is not The code got deleted A weird bug has been introduced...

A quick guide to help you understand and create ReactJS apps
This Post is divided into 2 parts The First Part demonstrates how to create a simple React app using ‘create-react-app’...